Wastewater Treatment Plant
Phone Number: 936-633-0288

The Wastewater Treatment Plant accepts wastewater from homes, businesses, and industries for treatment. The TCEQ has authorized and permitted the City of Lufkin to treat and discharge treated waste water from the Hurricane Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The Wastewater Plant is a Conventional Activated Sludge Plant with a designated flow of 11.3 MGD per day and an Average Yearly Flow of 5.8 MGD. The TCEQ sets permit effluent limits for the compliance purposes requiring monthly reports to be submitted to the TCEQ’s Regional Office.

Plant Staff are comprised of Administration, Operators, Lab Techs, and Maintenance personnel. All Plant Operators are licensed by the TCEQ with the Director holding an “A” Wastewater License.


The following are some of the other services that are provided through this Department:

  • Free RV Dump Station Monday through Friday 8am-4pm. Saturday may be available provided arrangements have been made during the week with Facility Management.
  • The Industrial Pretreatment Program including Permits are conducted through this Department. Any questions or comments concerning the Program can be directed to the Environmental Manager at 936-633-0288.
  • Septic Tank Cleaning Companies are permitted through this Department. For permitting requirements and costs involved, call 936-633-0288 for details.