cityhallflowers2The City of Lufkin operates under the Council-Manager form of government, with all legislative and policy-making responsibilities vested in the City Council and all administrative responsibilities vested in the City Manager. It is the citizens, working through the City Council; however, who set our priorities and help us identify issues for long-term planning that will ensure our quality of life is maintained.

This web site is provided to give you a quick look at the City of Lufkin and some of the programs, services, financial statistics, and progress highlights recently completed.

We appreciate the cooperation of our citizens who partner with the City through organizations like the Neighborhood Associations, Boards and Commissions, volunteers, Angelina Beautiful/Clean, the Angelina Chamber of Commerce, and the Lufkin/Angelina County Economic Development Partnership. Working together as a team, we can achieve so much more for our community. Thank you for your support of local government.